

Join us in January 2023 for a way forward.

What if every export buyer of Indian textiles and crafts
were required by laws in their homelands to stop buying Indian goods? That is happening.

In January of 2023, every consumer product will have to
have travel with complete information on what it is, who makes it, how it is made and information about social and environmental impact of that product.

Festival Purpose

Festival Purpose

The Jaipur Crafts Festivals activate a crafts differentiation strategy with a matrix of long-term goals that emerge through high-impact events.  We inform, entertain and connect stakeholders of Indian handmades. Our projects aim to reclaim India's stature in the top make of material culture and assert the country's ongoing leadership in design and sustainability. We offer new thinking on three vectors:  decolonization of crafts, claiming India's influence over European style and the business of crafts, culture and heritage. | @jaipurcraftsfestival

The Jaipur Crafts Festivals activate a crafts differentiation strategy with a matrix of long-term goals that emerge through high-impact events.  We inform, entertain and connect stakeholders of Indian handmades. Our projects aim to reclaim India's stature in the top make of material culture and assert the country's ongoing leadership in design and sustainability. We offer new thinking on three vectors:  decolonization of crafts, claiming India's influence over European style and the business of crafts, culture and heritage. | @jaipurcraftsfestival

Join Us

When: January 20

Tickets: Coming soon

Write Us:@jaipurcraftsfestival |